Run on Slurm


You can either use the slurm profile adapted from Snakemake-Profiles that comes with this repository, or go through the process of manually creating one, either using the cookiecutter example in the Snakemake-Profiles repository or on your own. You can also adapt the example that comes with this repository and execute

monsda -j ${cpus} --configfile ${config.json} --directory ${PWD} --profile ${path_to_slurm_profile}

Further adaptions like grouping of jobs and advanced configs for rule based performance increase will be tackled in future releases of MONSDA.


Cluster config for Nextflow follows the description Nextflow-Executors and Nextflow-Profiles. To use SLURM as executor you can adapt the profile that comes with this repository and simply append

export NXF_EXECUTOR=slurm

to the call to MONSDA.